281 research outputs found

    Press counterweight of a torcularium with a latin inscription from the Los Palacios' roman archaeological site (Villanueva del Pardillo, Madrid)

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    Presentamos una nueva inscripción reutilizada como contrapeso de un torcularium en el yacimiento romano de Los Palacios (Madrid). A pesar del mal estado de conservación del texto, su lectura ha podido ser realizada en parte gracias a la ayuda de modernas técnicas de fotogrametría. El bloque tiene un paralelo directo tanto de soporte como del tipo de contenido en otra pieza de la localidad de Villamanta. De acuerdo con nuestra lectura, ambas inscripciones corresponden a epitafios de miembros de la gens Aelia, lo que junto a parámetros formales semejantes, permiten plantear una procedencia común para ambas piezas.A new Latin inscription, reused as counterweight of a torcularium in the Roman site of Los Palacios (Madrid), is presented. Although the corrupt condition of the text, the reading was partially made thanks to current photogrammetric technics. There is another inscription from Villamanta, which seems to be a direct parallel as well in shape as in contents. According to our reading, both are epitaphs of members of the gens Aelia and, in addition, there are some formal parameters that allow suggesting a shared origi

    Implementación de un módulo de inventarios para la empresa Metal-Prest S.A.S. en el ERP Openbravo para la caracterización del proceso de inventario y su incidencia en la disminución del tiempo de flujo de información y tiempo de respuesta al cliente /

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    La globalización y la competitividad hacen necesario integrar y manejar eficazmente los recursos de las empresas con el fin de disminuir costos, aumentar el flujo de información, expandirse en el mercado y superar las expectativas de los clientes. Por esto, es necesario que las organizaciones cuenten con un sistema de información que se adapte a sus procesos y necesidades como lo son los ERP. Las PYMES (micro pequeñas y medianas empresas) a nivel mundial representan el 90% de la economía y son consideradas como generadoras de empleo masivo y gran capacidad de innovación e integración de las cadenas productivas. Sin embargo, para poder incrementar su competitividad y por ende productividad se necesita, como dice Griselda Hernández1 : “disponer de fuerza laboral calificada y adoptar tecnologías de la información” Implementar un ERP significa para la empresa abrir sus posibilidades en el mercado, clasificar la información y poder acceder a ella en tiempo real, reducir la existencia de datos obsoletos, analizar cada área de la empresa, más competitividad, reducción de los inventarios, entre otros2 ; aspectos necesarios para ser más competitivos mediante el uso de las TIC.Incluye bibliografía, anexo

    A Review of the Dermatological Complications of Giant Cell Arteritis

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    Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is characterized by granulomatous inflammation of large and medium-sized vessels. It is the most common vasculitis among elderly people in Europe and North America. GCA usually presents with ischemic cranial manifestations such as headache, scalp tenderness, visual manifestations, and claudication of the tongue and jaw. Thickness and tenderness of temporal arteries are the most recognizable signs of GCA on physical examination. Laboratory tests usually show raised acute phase reactants. Skin manifestations are uncommon in GCA and are rarely found as a presenting symptom of GCA. Necrosis of the scalp and tongue is the most common ischemic cutaneous manifestation of GCA. Although infrequent, when present it reflects severe affection and poor prognosis of GCA. Panniculitis-like lesions have been reported in the setting of GCA, with nodules being the most common finding. Other entities, such as generalized granuloma annulare or basal cell carcinoma have been occasionally described in GCA patients. Prompt recognition and initiation of therapy are crucial to prevent serious complications of GCA. When high suspicion of GCA exists, immediate administration of glucocorticoids is recommended. It is advisable to refer the patient to a specialist GCA team for further multidisciplinary assessment.Funding: This line of research on vasculitis was partially supported by RETICS Programs, RD08/0075 (RIER), RD12/0009/ 0013 and RD16/0012 from “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (ISCIII) (Spain)

    Inhibition of hyaluronidase activity by high-pressure treated onion

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    Onions exert their effects on human health via multiple different functions, including antioxidant, antiinflammatory, and antibacterial properties. Upregulation of hyaluronidase activity occurs in chronic inflammatory conditions. High hydrostatic pressure food processing offers the chance of producing functional foods, in the sense that not only preserve the nutritional, microbiological and sensorial quality of foods, but also can improve the extraction of potentially health-related compounds due to the effects of this technology on plant food structure. Onions are a good source of bioactive compounds, such as phenolic compounds and organosulfur compounds, which have been related to beneficial health effects mainly due to their antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties. In this study we evaluated the ability of onion treated by highpressure to inhibit in vitro hyaluronidase activity, as an in vitro measurement of its antiinflammatory activity.Peer Reviewe

    Caracterización de un instrumento con recomendaciones para la intervención de los factores psicosociales, en el componente extralaboral dirigido a los empleados de la empresa Teo – Farms SAS.

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    Caracterizar un instrumento que permita intervenir el componente extralaboral, de los factores psicosociales, de los trabajadores de la empresa Teo-Farms SAS.La responsabilidad en toda organización es velar por la salud integral de sus trabajadores a través de los diferentes planes de trabajo, esquemas de capacitaciones y la creación de sistemas de vigilancia epidemiológica entre otros, implementados desde el sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo. Dentro de este campo de la salud, cabe destacar la importancia y atención que merecen los Factores psicosociales debido a su gran incidencia en la población trabajadora, lo que deriva en el índice de ausentismo laboral y las incapacidades que se dan por las enfermedades de origen laboral que se puedan presentar, afectándose tanto el componente intralaboral como extralaboral. A través de esta investigación se buscó establecer los pilares de la problemática que desencadenan los factores de Riesgo Psicosocial en la empresa Teo – Farms SAS e inciden en el deterioro de la salud de los trabajadores por la aparición del estrés. Y una vez conocida la problemática, se generaron estrategias para evitar y/o minimizar la afectación en la salud por la exposición a factores de riesgo psicosocial.The responsibility in every organization is to ensure the integral health of its workers through the different work plans, training schemes and the creation of epidemiological surveillance systems among others, implemented from the health and safety management system at work . Within this field of health, it is important to highlight the importance and attention that psychosocial factors deserve due to their high incidence in the working population, which leads to the rate of absenteeism from work and the disabilities that are given by Occupational diseases that may occur, affecting both the intralaboral and extralabor component. Through this research we sought to establish the pillars of the problem that trigger Psychosocial Risk factors in the company Teo - Farms SAS and affect the deterioration of workers' health due to the appearance of stress. And once the problem was known, strategies were generated to avoid and / or minimize the impact on health due to exposure to psychosocial risk factors

    Caracterización de un instrumento con recomendaciones para la intervención de los factores psicosociales, en el componente extralaboral dirigido a los empleados de la empresa Teo – Farms SAS.

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    Caracterizar un instrumento que permita intervenir el componente extralaboral, de los factores psicosociales, de los trabajadores de la empresa Teo-Farms SAS.La responsabilidad en toda organización es velar por la salud integral de sus trabajadores a través de los diferentes planes de trabajo, esquemas de capacitaciones y la creación de sistemas de vigilancia epidemiológica entre otros, implementados desde el sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo. Dentro de este campo de la salud, cabe destacar la importancia y atención que merecen los Factores psicosociales debido a su gran incidencia en la población trabajadora, lo que deriva en el índice de ausentismo laboral y las incapacidades que se dan por las enfermedades de origen laboral que se puedan presentar, afectándose tanto el componente intralaboral como extralaboral. A través de esta investigación se buscó establecer los pilares de la problemática que desencadenan los factores de Riesgo Psicosocial en la empresa Teo – Farms SAS e inciden en el deterioro de la salud de los trabajadores por la aparición del estrés. Y una vez conocida la problemática, se generaron estrategias para evitar y/o minimizar la afectación en la salud por la exposición a factores de riesgo psicosocial.The responsibility in every organization is to ensure the integral health of its workers through the different work plans, training schemes and the creation of epidemiological surveillance systems among others, implemented from the health and safety management system at work . Within this field of health, it is important to highlight the importance and attention that psychosocial factors deserve due to their high incidence in the working population, which leads to the rate of absenteeism from work and the disabilities that are given by Occupational diseases that may occur, affecting both the intralaboral and extralabor component. Through this research we sought to establish the pillars of the problem that trigger Psychosocial Risk factors in the company Teo - Farms SAS and affect the deterioration of workers' health due to the appearance of stress. And once the problem was known, strategies were generated to avoid and / or minimize the impact on health due to exposure to psychosocial risk factors

    Treatment of giant cell arteritis

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    Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is the most common form of vasculitis in adults. Cranial manifestations are typical clinical features of this vasculitis. Sometimes the presenting symptoms are nonspecific and, in some cases, large-vessel involvement may prevail. Polymyalgia rheumatica is a frequent manifestation that in some cases may be the presenting symptom of GCA. Visual complications, in particular the risk of blindness, constitute the most feared manifestations of GCA. Prompt recognition of this vasculitis is required to avoid irreversible complications. Prednisone/prednisolone at a dose of 40-60?mg/day is the cornerstone therapy in GCA. Glucocorticoids lead to rapid improvement of symptoms and may reduce the risk of irreversible visual loss. However, relapses are common when the prednisone dose is tapered. Therefore, additional therapies are required in relapsing GCA or when a rapid reduction of glucocorticoids is needed. The most widely used conventional immunosuppressive drug is methotrexate Adjunctive treatment with methotrexate may decrease the risk of relapses and reduce glucocorticoid exposure. However, comprehensive reviews indicate that the efficacy of methotrexate in GCA is modest. The experience with other conventional immunosuppressive drugs in GCA patients is scarce. In some cases, the new biologic agents are required. Among them, the most frequently used is the recombinant humanized anti-IL-6 receptor antibody tocilizumab. It improves clinical symptoms, reduce the cumulative prednisone dose and the frequency of relapses in GCA patients. However, anti-tumor necrosis factor-? therapy is not useful in GCA. Promising results on other biologic agents, such as abatacept, ustekinumab or anakinra, require further confirmatory studies

    Evaluation of a mobile application for heart failure telemonitoring

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    Q2Adequate adherence to treatment is indispensable in preventing adverse consequences in heart failure patients. Such adherence can be managed through heart failure clinics and various methods of follow-up. In recent years, the use of telemonitoring has shown promising benefits in supporting clinicians' follow-up, as well as contributing to patients' self-care. This article presents the development and evaluation of a telemonitoring application for heart failure, through a Web-based interface for clinicians and a mobile application for patients. The application was evaluated through a 6-month pilot observational descriptive study in 20 outpatients with reduced ejection fraction and two nurses, in the context of a heart failure clinic. A technological acceptance questionnaire was applied to all patients and nurses at the end of the study period. In use, the application generated 64 real-time alerts for early decision-making to prevent complications, and 91% of patients did not present hospital readmissions. Such results, along with high user acceptance, show potential utility of the application as an effective complementary strategy for follow-up of patients with heart failure.Revista Internacional - Indexad

    Prácticas de gestión curricular en tres colegios de excelencia para Bogotá : Colegio Distrital Débora Arango Pérez, Colegio Distrital General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, Colegio Distrital Orlando Higuita Rojas

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    El presente proyecto de investigación, se ha desarrollado dentro de las posibilidades que ofrece la línea de políticas y gestión de sistemas educativos de la Facultad de educación. En esta perspectiva, la pregunta por la manera como se definen y producen las prácticas curriculares de las instituciones es el eje central del proyecto.Magíster en EducaciónMaestrí